I think that cooking oil is a must have for every household, well unless you do not cook. Then.. that's another story.
Anyway, my family have been using this Naturel cooking oil when we found out that it promotes good health as there is less trans-fat or no trans-fat at all. What is trans-fat actually?
Is the claim true like as said in the advertisement?
Let's find out. :D
Let's start with the basic cooking oil.
Cooking oil comes from fats and oils, materials that are derived from the plants. Cooking are are usually liquid at room temperature. However in certain cases, where saturated oils like coconut or palm oil are mot solid at room temperature than other vegetable oil.
When one see the oil is made of vegetable oil, don't be fooled but remember to look at the labels because vegetable oil could mean almost any green plants that oil can be extracted.
Do you know that saturated oils are actually not good for health? WHY?
This is because, eating food that contains saturated fat/ oil can actually raise the level of cholesterol in your blood level. High level of blood cholesterol can increase the risk of heart attack or lead tocardiovascular diseases or even stroke. Examples of food containing high amount of saturated fat is your daily dairy product. Therefore, try not to consume dairy products in an excessive amount.here are some examples of your daily dairy product.
HOWEVER, here's the catch.
Vegetable oils are made of unsaturated fat AND unsaturated fat can also lead to coronary disease because unsaturated fat promotes Trans-fat.
Now, What exactly IS trans-fat?
Trans-fat is the common name for unsaturated fat with trans-isomer fatty acid. How did trans-fat come about? Trans-fat are fats that are never saturated. This is due to the kinks for every double bond they have with the hydrocarbon chains. There are cases where unsaturated fat undergo partial or complete hydrogenation to turn into saturated fat "hard" fat which could lead to coronary hear disease as it clogs the arteries by raising levels of "bad" Low Density Lipoprotein and lowers the levels of "good" High Density cholesterol.
Health authorities worldwide are recommending that the consumption of trans-fat to be reduce into a minimal amount. Research show that trans-fat from partially hydrogenated oils are more harmful and risky than naturally occuring oils.
Let's get back to the topic of Naturel Cooking Oil
The main ingredient of this cooking oil is Sunflower oil.
Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil expressed from the sunflower seed. Sunflower oil is commonly used in food worlwide. Sunflower oil is also being used as an ingredient in some cosmetic products.
Sunflower oil contains few types of acids which are palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid.
Besides that, sunflower oil also contains lecithin, tocopherols, carotenoids and waxes.
Oleic acid is a mono-unsaturated fatty acid found in various animal and vegetable sources. It contains the chemical formula CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH. Oleic acid is said to hinder the progression of Adrenoleukodystrophy( ALD) a fatal disease that will affect the brain and adrenal glands, and also help in boosting memories.
Linoleic acid(LA) is an unsaturated fatty acid as well. LA is said to help prevent cancer, being it tested on mice and also help children with cystic fibrosis to help aid in their growth.
Now, Palmitic acid with the chemical formula of CH3(CH2)14COOH, is one of the most common saturated fatty acids found in animals and plants. As I have mention earlier that palm is one of the saturated fat and therefore, palmitic acid has the capability of making human beings lead to cardiovascular or coronary disease due to the LDL increase and HDL decrease in the body.
Stearic acid is a waxy solid with the chemical formula CH3(CH2)16COOH and is useful in many industries, like coating metal,making candles and even hardening soaps. Stearic acid is claim to be less unhealthy compared to the other saturated fatty acids.
Sunflower oil is high in the essential Vitamin E needed by the body and low in saturated fat. Sunflower oil that are Linoleic are proven to give a better taste and a low level of tans fat. Sunflower oil of any kind has beenshown to have cardiovascular benefits because high levels of oleic acid have been suggested to lower cholesterol which reduce the risk of heart disease. That's how the producers promote their sunflower cooking oil which is proven that the claim is true!
so now you know ;D
BUT! every good thing also has a bad side. There is negative health effects of using sunflower cooking oil which is directed towards woman that has gone through menopause leading to the development of breast cancer. The same goes to guys in developing prostate cancer.
Hope that all of you found this information helpful and gain a better understand towards some of the chemical terms that you didn't know and maybe never had the chance to check.
Enjoy ;)
-Sunflower Oil, 2010, adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunflower_oil#Negative_health_effects, accessed on 26 March 2010
-Saturated fats, 2009, adapted from http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=3045790, accessed on 26 March 2010
Pollick, 2010, What are Unsaturated fats?, adapted from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-unsaturated-fats.htm, accessed on 26 March 2010
Naturel Cooking Oil, 2010, adapted from http://www.lamsoon.com.my/naturel/naturel_cookingoil.html, accessed on 27 March 2010
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